Elegant Elephant Mirtillo

Today we went to the Zoo in Rhenen. It's great how close you can get to all the 'wild' animals overthere! We enjoyed ourselves very much. Tillo loved all the new sights and smells. He's probably dreaming about them right now, cause I hear little 'woofs' comming from him while he sleeps ;)

Of course we took some pics today, you can find them in Tillo's gallery.

It's time to say goodbye to 'our' sweet Lycia. Her mom Lauren arrived in the Netherlands yesterday afternoon and picked her up this morning.. Big 'yay!' for Lauren of course and we are very excited for her she got her baby back.. but it's also a big 'sigh..' for us..

Lycia is the most perfect pup we've ever met.. She's kind to everyone and is just happy, happy, happy. While Tillo needs at least 30 minutes to get out of bed in the morning, Lycia jumps up as soon as we get out of bed and just follows us everywhere. The last two months she even figured out that it's a good idea to get into the bed when the humans are fast asleep, so also at night she's as close to us as she can be. 

Yesterday evening we took both pups to the fenced dog park and they had a great time. Us humans too.. we very much enjoyed to see their last full out run together.

Bye sweet Lycia! Thank you for your cuteness and good company for us and Tillo! We'll miss you!

Tillo had an obedience exam this morning and he did great! He got 106 out of 110 points, which was the second best score! This way he earned his fourth obedience diploma! (including his puppy diploma ;))

I haven't got pics of Tillo during his exam, but we did take some nice pics of Lycia and him running through the forrest after the exam :)

You can click on the picture to go to the gallery.

Today we received the pictures from the photographer! They are all beautiful, we are very happy with them! Thank you Ernst!

You can click on the picture to go to the gallery.

Last week we went to Den Haag to get Lycia's and Tillo's pictures taken in a studio. They both acted like professional models. We haven't received the pictures from the photographer yet, but Job took some pictures as well. You can find them here.

I uploaded new pictures of Mirtillo and Lycia! Click on the picture to go to Tillo's gallery.

Lycia celebrated her second birthday on December 22! Happy Birthday dear Lycia!!

Mirtillo celebrated his second Birthday yesterday! We had a wonderful year this year: Tillo got two diplomas in obedience and we started with agility. We went coursing and track racing and spent two weeks in Sweden, where he got to compete against some beautiful Basenjis and got to meet his mom and another big part of his family. He also earned his first show title: Dutch Youth Champion!

I'm sure we'll have another great year to come!

Happy Birthday Tillo!!

Mirtillo's mom Xtra gave birth to 6 beautiful red and white pups on December 13. Big congrats to Asa and the rest of the family!

For more information click here.